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Welcome! This is a web listing dedicated to character shrines. Here you can browse the websites of other waifuists and share your own website if you've created one!


  • 1. This listing is intended for people who are in love with fictional characters and participate in fictional relationships. This is not meant for people who 'ship' themselves with the character.
  • 2. All S/Os are welcome. However, shrines will be denied if the character is unable to properly consent to a romantic relationship. Characters shouldn't be real people but may be live action.
  • 3. Unfinished websites are okay, but please don't submit a placeholder. The link you submit should go directly to your shrine. This list is for personal websites only, no carrds or strawpages.
  • 4. Websites containing NSFW, NSFL or any form of harmful content will not be listed here.

If you'd like to unlist your site or update your listed information, email:

- JOIN -

* You'll receive an email once you've been added.


Last Updated: Mar 2, 2025.
Current Shrines: 3.

Icon Name and URL Waifuist
Heathcliff, Limbus Company
Bluebeard, Charles Perrault
Kovit Sangwaraporn, Market of Monsters


You can include these on your website if you'd like to link back to Waifu Web! (Optional)